Hill Country Night Sky Month
Celebrate the Night Sky with us this October!
Celebrate the Night Sky with us this October!
The first annual Hill Country Night Sky Month, October 2020, is a celebration of our region’s night skies and of the hard work that Hill Country communities do to preserve it. October 2020 is our inaugural, month-long celebration of the region’s most dazzling night-time feature — the star-twinkling, planet-glowing, comet-crossing night sky — where beauty and wonder abound.
The first annual Hill Country Night Sky Month, October 2020, is a celebration of our region’s night skies and of the hard work that Hill Country communities do to preserve it. October 2020 is our inaugural, month-long celebration of the region’s most dazzling night-time feature — the star-twinkling, planet-glowing, comet-crossing night sky — where beauty and wonder abound.